Make a Difference
Give Where It's Needed Most

When you give to Magdalena House, you provide HOME, HELP, and HOPE to women and their children fleeing dangerous and abusive lives.  You help provide free and safe transitional housing. You support these families with food, clothing, child-care assistance, parenting classes and coaching, counseling, legal assistance, financial training, transportation, and spiritual formation.  You empower mothers to pursue an accredited education. You ensure families are surrounded by loving community. You join a cadre of caring individuals who make a huge difference in each family's life!

You can give online by completing the information below, or if you prefer, you can send a check to Magdalena House, P.O. Box 692041, San Antonio, TX 78269.

Magdalena House is also grateful to receive alternative gifts. For more details on planned giving, gifts of stock, donor advised funds, and other alternative donations, please visit our information page.

Contribute an Alternative Gift

There is a minimum donation of $5.00


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